Why, why, why? - Let's learn from the toddlers!

We have to learn again - as we did in our early years - to question everything, think for ourselves and build up our own knowledge. Otherwise, AI (artificial intelligence) will make us fall into the idiot trap.
Today's fast-paced world leaves us with almost no opportunity to question anything, let alone think. We consume what is written and said in the media or on the internet. It is much easier to be influenced today because we are bombarded with untested knowledge from all directions, which usually comes from the same source. The super disaster of superficial half-truths is still to come, because everyone is now turning to the AI programmes that are springing up like mushrooms in order to avoid thinking. But beware, now it's getting dangerous!
Recently, a colleague proudly presented me with an AI-generated lecture about a well-known historical figure. The presentation was interesting and captivatingly written and summarised very exciting and impressive facts and figures. Unfortunately, 80% of the content was factually incorrect! This made me sit up and take notice and I made several self-experiments with the AI programme and came to the following conclusion.
The most important gifts we have been given in life are our curiosity and logical thinking. Let's put these gifts to greater use again. A first step is to make use of various independent sources, to question and debate with many people about facts and data, opinions and supposed knowledge. Observations in nature and the animal world and using information from the distant past are also exciting. I often realise that much of what is sold to us as the latest idea is old wine in new bottles.
I realise that AI needs to be trained to deliver more accurate results over time and that AI can be very valuable as an assistant. But my personal ambition is still to scrutinise what I have heard and read in order to avoid falling into the AI trap!
We hope you continue to enjoy thinking and asking why, why, why!