Personnel recruiting trends 2024

Personnel recruiting trends 2024
Every year brings new technologies, new ideas and new signposts. What trends will the coming months bring and what should HR departments and HR teams focus on this year? Let's find out together.
Always changing - new challenges and trends in HR
The world of recruitment is facing new challenges and exciting developments in 2024. The labour market is constantly changing and it is becoming increasingly important to focus on the needs and expectations of applicants. In the coming year, various trends will shape the industry and open up new ways of optimising recruitment processes.
Before we take a look at the trends, however, it makes sense to take a closer look at the dynamics of the labour market.
The labour market and its dynamics
The labour market is both an important barometer and a challenge for recruiters. Keeping an eye on it and reacting to developments is therefore an important task for HR departments and HR teams.
The labour market situation in Switzerland is facing growing challenges, particularly due to the increasing shortage of qualified specialists. This shortage of skilled labour is being exacerbated by various factors such as demographic changes and changing lifestyles. Increasing specialisation and the emergence of new occupational fields are also contributing to the transformation of the world of work.
At the end of last year, more than 120,000 jobs were vacant in Switzerland, while the unemployment rate was at a low 2.2 %. Although this low unemployment rate is economically positive, it poses a challenge for staff recruitment, as there are not enough applicants to meet the high demand. In a global comparison, Switzerland's skills shortage of 76% is just below the global average of 77%.
Switzerland shares this problem with many other industrialised countries, where demographic change and the retirement of the baby boomer generation are affecting the labour market. The low birth rate means that the new generation cannot adequately replace the retiring labour force. Statistics and surveys show that four out of five companies worldwide are experiencing difficulties in filling specialised positions, an increase of almost 38% compared to 2015.
Despite the growing importance of automation and artificial intelligence, the human factor remains central and indispensable in many industries. In view of the current challenges on the labour market, the question arises as to how companies can still find suitable specialists and managers for their open positions.
Scoring points with applicants with fresh ideas
The situation clearly shows that recruiting new employees is no longer as easy as it was a few years ago. HR professionals have to go the extra mile to make a positive impression on potential candidates and motivate them to apply to the company.
Here is an overview of the most important recruitment trends in 2024:
1. Employer branding in the light of recession & co
The current economic uncertainties require a rethink in employer branding. Companies will have to work harder to strengthen their employer brand and position themselves attractively. This is not just about focussing on positive aspects, but also about dealing authentically with challenges such as recessions. Transparency and openness will be key components of a strong employer brand.
2. New technologies - AI and co.
Last year, ChatGPT entered the world of work, a tool that was initially viewed critically but then found more and more application in everyday life. In the meantime, the artificial intelligence of ChatGPT and co. has become a valuable addition and help for everyday work. The trend towards the use of AI will continue in 2024. It will be about actual integration into work processes in order to increase efficiency.
And this development is no cause for concern, even if new technologies change the way we work, AI will not replace us. Artificial intelligence will increasingly accompany the application process. From chatbots that can answer applicants' initial questions to automated scanning of application documents.
3. Upskilling - soft skills and potential instead of a clear requirements profile
The focus in personnel selection is shifting from a clear requirements profile to the soft skills and potential of applicants. Companies are increasingly recognising that a flexible and adaptable workforce is crucial. The ability to find one's way in a constantly changing working environment is becoming more important than an exact match with predefined criteria.
In addition, the topic of further training and development potential is an important issue that will attract applicants. Even if a candidate does not fit a position one hundred per cent, he or she can be an asset to the company. Because in the end, it is up to the employer to equip employees with the skills they need to do their job perfectly.
4. Employee retention and recruiting go hand in hand
Recruitment not only has the task of finding new talent, but also of retaining the existing workforce. Companies are increasingly relying on prophylactic measures to minimise the likelihood of staff leaving. The integration of retention strategies into the recruitment process will therefore play a key role.
Retention management refers to the targeted management and implementation of measures to keep employees in the company in the long term. It is an important aspect of human resources and aims to strengthen employee loyalty and satisfaction in order to reduce staff turnover.
5. Know and fulfil the expectations of new target groups
The world of work is characterised by new generations with different expectations and priorities. Recruiting 2024 therefore means understanding and fulfilling the needs of millennials and future generations. Flexible working models, clear development opportunities and a meaningful working environment are becoming increasingly important in order to attract and retain talented employees in the long term.
These are precisely the issues that need to be communicated clearly and visibly. Your own company must be of interest to this generation of applicants. It is no longer enough to simply advertise a secure or well-paid job. Health issues, work-life balance and self-realisation are becoming increasingly important.
6. Tapping into new target groups - international recruiting
In a globalised world, international recruiting is becoming a central element. Companies should increasingly focus on attracting talent from different parts of the world. This requires not only an adaptation of recruiting strategies, but also an understanding of intercultural differences and the creation of international networks.
This trend therefore involves not only understanding the needs of different cultures and implementing them accordingly in recruiting measures, but also selecting the type of communication and communication channels accordingly.
7. Utilising marketing influences on recruitment
The boundaries between marketing and recruiting are becoming increasingly blurred. Companies will increasingly use marketing methods to advertise their vacancies and approach potential candidates.
Social media has been a popular platform for publicising job advertisements in addition to job portals for some time now. In 2024, however, it will be increasingly important to tailor the content to the target group. In future, it will no longer be a question of formulating an appealing job advertisement, but also of publishing the voices of current employees, an impression of the company, etc. in the form of words, sound and images.
Setting trends, attracting staff
The recruitment trends of 2024 not only offer the opportunity to adapt, but also to innovate. By understanding these trends and integrating them into your recruiting strategies, you can not only attract talented employees, but also retain them in the long term.
We remain excited about the developments and are happy to answer any questions you may have to make your 2024 a recruiting success!
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