A look into the future of personnel recruitment.

The right balance between digitalisation and people is the key to success - also in personnel recruitment.
As a former managing director of specialised companies in the construction industry, I already experienced the recruitment of specialists and managers in the old analogue world. Print advertisements were the be-all and end-all and, for challenging vacancies, above all a trusting collaboration with specialised recruitment companies that understood the industry and the company.
Now, as you know, a lot has changed since the noughties and digitalisation and "employer branding" have become very important in recruitment.
Social networks are full of adverts, companies present themselves and their working culture in the best possible light and they outdo each other by posting the finest company outings. I think it's all great, but does it always correspond to everyday reality, is it sustainable and, above all, is it the key to attracting new employees?
Such activities are costly to manage and could also create expectations for employees that cannot always be maintained in difficult economic times.
So far so good. What doesn't hurt certainly helps. But where is the key to success if, despite all these new digital methods, you still can't find the employees you're looking for? The trend towards digitalisation will certainly increase, and recruitment will increasingly be supported by artificial intelligence, but what will always remain and even become more important or even more important in the search for key personnel:
- The time and effort required to find the right personality
- People's skills in personal networking, reliability and creativity
- The right profile definition, clear processes, reacting quickly to opportunities and anticipating changes in the company and the market
The right combination and balance between digitalisation and people will be the major challenge in personnel recruitment in the future. Too much of one and too little of the other can lead to frustration and idle time. The HR department is therefore exposed to a further area of tension, because the notifications for staffing are usually made and released late.
If you do not feel comfortable with the new challenges or do not have the necessary knowledge and resources, it is worth engaging recruitment specialists in good time. It is imperative that they understand the needs and digital behaviour of your candidates, your industry and your corporate culture in order to serve as a permanent, reliable and competent network to the experts you are looking for - from person to person.
With this in mind, I wish you a successful 2023 with balanced digitalisation!