Do you know your market value?

Every person has an individual performance capacity!

Each and every person has an individual performance capability, which depends on many unpredictable and above all individual situational and intuitive abilities at the moment in which the service has to be provided. When providing a service to the customer, these skills should be used correctly in favour of a sustainable relationship and lead to remuneration that all parties perceive as fair. A salary that is perceived as unfair leads to a breakdown in trust and staff turnover.

A first step towards a higher market value: a willingness to take risks!

To prove your entrepreneurial streak as an ambitious employee, I recommend that you accept a bonus system. For a bonus system to be successful for both sides (employer and employee), it requires mutual trust, a high level of transparency and a clear culture of target agreement. In addition, there needs to be clarity about the success factors of performance and the will that both sides can benefit from it.

What good are wage statistics?

Salary statistics and salary surveys serve at most as an approximate benchmark and usually show average values. If you do not want to measure yourself against the average, it is worth looking into the subject in detail. Salary is a resource subject to the laws of the market economy and can best be influenced with business knowledge.

What is the market value of an employee?

Various surveys show that salary is not the top priority for employees. However, this is little consolation if you personally do not see it that way. If you are monetarily driven and, as described above, your salary is below average or below your salary satisfaction threshold, you need to set yourself medium and long-term goals and discuss them with your line manager or a specialist with industry knowledge. A salary is always linked to tasks, competences and responsibilities and a monetary performance. If you want to be above average, you have to deliver above-average (measurable) performance and should also accept a certain amount of risk in the form of a performance-related salary with a bonus.

What is the market value of self-employment?

Even self-employed people do not always succeed in recognizing their own market value. The greatest danger of selling yourself short lurks from day one, when you enter the market. Right from the start of your self-employment, you need to know what sets you apart from your competitors and why you can charge X price for your services.
Set yourself a serious salary target, your desired market value, and use this to calculate the turnover you want to achieve. It is better to start with a price that is too high than too low! Sales techniques and business management skills are essential for engineers and architects who start their own business. Otherwise you will soon be an entrepreneur who cannot defend himself against too much work and too low prices.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.